Alright, here we go: I will be starting at Ironman South Africa 2010. I have to admit it is yet another direct result of simply having too big a mouth.
A couple of days back a friend in South Africa told me that he is training a couple of South African athletes for the Ironman in Port Elizabeth and I spontaniously said: 'Hey, it would be cool if I could join in. Let's make it a charity event and raise some money for a good cause. We could ask the guys at Triangle Events if they would sponsor a slot for me to participate...'
Well, who would have thought that it would takes less than 48 hours for them to say: 'Yes Till, you're in.' I guess I better start training now.
Actually I started training right away with a great swim session in the pool, which unfortunately put a little too much pressure on my shoulder. Shouldn't be much more than a week though until I am back. What a great opporunity to work a hell lot on my kick in the pool. :-) Who wouldn't love some extensive leg work in the pool????
Anyway, I am really excited to be part of that race in 2010...I guess it's cause I didn't have time to think about it yet. WINTER TRAINING in Germany. Smart choice. Maybe I'll reward myself with a little medal. 'In great honor of my brains - which somehow misteriously did not enter my body during birth..'
I will keep you update on what we are putting together for IM South Africa. Definitely want to have the guys from on board again.
Rock on folks and don't forget to check back in.