SLStri Compression Sock Test

During last winter, whilst we weren't updating as a result of our slight isolation in Switzerland :-), we had a great time running up and down the mountains, testing compression socks. Whilst there is still no proof that they are indeed supporting performance, it is definitely worth looking into it.

Let's start with pair 1.

Brand: SLS3

Produkt: SLS3 Compression Socks


Price: 57.95 Dollar

Miles Tested: app. 152

Test Conditions: From sunny dessert in 110 Fahrenheit to snowy mountains in 15 Fahrenheit. Run through the dessert, rivers, snow, in high and low altitude. Both in racing and training.

Ordering process: Simple to order, fast delivery, very personal contact.

Sock Feel: Nice feeling on the skin. They almost look like a normal knee sock but you feel that something is different about the material. Only slight downside: they seemed to dry out the skin in cold climates a little more than other socks. No issues in hot climates whatsoever.

Compression: Nice, gradual compression. Almost like a little wow effect when putting them on. Test winner for one tester. Some testers wished they had the same foot compression as the CEP socks. The strong compression makes for a very athletic feel.

Cushion: Not super thin and not too thick. A great sock for training and racing.

Use: The compression is obvious and requires a little more effort than some other socks but not as much as for example Bauerfeind. Still easy enough to put on in transition.

Performance: They provided under any circumstances. Even during a 5 hour mountain run in the heat of California.

Durability: Keep on running. No loss in compression yet. They look a little used but hey – they had a lot to deal with.

Regeneration: Both during and after exercise – right up there with CEP, Bauerfeind and BV Sport. It is a real pleasure ‘feeling’ the positive effects the next day.

Look: We liked both the white and the black pair. The logo is real nice and simple and the white socks come with small red accents which make them look real athletic. One testers favorite.

Comments: It feels just like a CEP sock without the foot compression. Top in the test together with CEP, Bauerfeind and BV Sport. It really comes down to personal preference and if they are available on your continent. Advantage with SLS3 – their performance line goes far beyond just socks.